Outdoor Emergency Transportation Program

Latest Updates 12.10.2020

View the Western Region OET Instructors Lookup document HERE
View the Western Region OET COVID Updates document HERE

OET Web Meeting 12.08.20 View the recorded video conference HERE

Watch some instructional videos on Toboggan Handling Skills

  • Follow this link for YouTube videos of Alpine Skiing tasks HERE
  • Follow this link for YouTube videos of Toboggan tasks HERE

How to Become a Toboggan Instructor

If you have you ever wanted to become a toboggan instructor, but never really knew what is needed, then this section is for you.
We want to make it as easy as possible for you, and NO reading the following bullet points does not make you an instructor, but it is a good start!

All documents can be found either in the Documents and Forms Libraries or on the NSP website HERE

  • Complete an Instructor Development Course. Courses are scheduled throughout the year within the Region. You can find scheduled courses on the Events calendar.
  • Read the 2007-Transportation-Program-Instructor_Information document. The document can be read HERE
  • Read the OET Manual.pdf, which can be read HERE
  • Fill out the NSP Instructor Application Form form and save it for turning in later. Find the form HERE
  • Find a mentor and have them review the Guide to Mentoring New Instructors and Instructor Mentoring Completion Form with you. If you need help finding a mentor ask your PR.
  • Observe your mentor. Teach and fill in your Instructor_Mentoring_Completion Form 2014.
  • Teach a toboggan class and go over it with your mentor. Be sure to fill out your Instructor_Mentoring_Completion Form.
  • Teach, teach and teach again. Continue to fill in your Instructor_Mentoring_Completion Form.
  • When you and your mentor think you are ready to be signed off, contact the Western Region Toboggan Advisor to schedule an IT (Instructor Trainer) to come out to obverse you teach and review your training history with you and your mentor. Please be sure to do this weeks in advance so to avoid any scheduling conflict.
  • Give your completed paperwork to the IT. They will get it to the Western Region Toboggan Advisor to submit to the National office. Keep a copy for your records.
  • Celebrate!
  • Watch for your status to change on your NSP profile.

But don't think your done yet! Be sure to continue teaching and document all your teaching efforts throughout the years. To keep current you will need to recertify your toboggan instructor status ever 3 years. Watch the WR Events Calendar for recertification events scheduled thoughout the ski season.

Wishing to take another step and become a Toboggan IT?

Send an email to Jim McLeod, our Region OET Advisor, at this address NSPWROET@gmail.com for more information. He will contact you and get you setup!

Outdoor Emergency Transportation FAQ

Why do I need to sign up on both the NSP and Western Region site?

  1. Sign up on the NSP course so it will be added to your NSP profile when the course is closed.

  2. Sign up on the NSPWR.org site signs the Division waiver.

  3. Both help the Instructors know who has signed up for the course and signed the waiver.

How do I know when my Toboggan instructor certification will expire?

  1. Check your profile on the NSP website

  2. Contact your PR/PD –the Region Advisor will email them a list in the fall.

Toboggan Instructor Re-Certification Process:

  1. There are 7 things all Toboggan instructors need to do to re-cert.
    • Signup for a re-cert or a TES on the Region website.
    • Signup for the same event as #1 on the NSP website.
    • Attend the event you signed up for.
    • Teach a 6 pack to a Toboggan IT at the event.
    • Review the NSP Course Tools documentation HERE
    • Provide your instructor logs for the last three years to the Toboggan IT.
    • Wait until the next season for your renewal date to be extended 3 years.
  2. What the Western Region IT and Advisor does after you complete a Toboggan instructor re-cert:
    • The Toboggan IT will collect your name and NSP number and send it to the Region Advisor to document.
    • The Region Advisor will document your Name and NSP number to be added to the Fall Master Spreadsheet sent by division.

Important note about Division Instructor re-certification process

The Central Division Supervisor sends the Region Advisor an Excel spreadsheet with a list of the current instructors and then the Region Advisor updates and returns the spreadsheet before the start of the season. This is normally completed by the end of Oct. The Division will only accept one update per year and will not accept updates after the start of the ski season. What this means is if an Instructor re-certs the season they are set to expire they will lose their instructor status on Jan. 1 of that season and will have to wait until the following fall (Next year's Master Spreadsheet) before they will be reinstated. Remember it is always best to re-cert the year or season before you are set to expire. Thanks for your cooperation. If you wish to know more please review the email from the Division Supervisor: you can read that HERE . Please do not contact National - contact the Western Region Advisor if you are having problems with your toboggan status.

When do I need an IT?

Division and NSP is requesting that a Toboggan IT attend all Toboggan On-the-Hill refreshers and Toboggan Final tests. Please work with the Western Region Advisor to schedule your IT early.

Need help opening and closing a Course?

Please see the NSP Course Tools documentation HERE

Suggested courses to open?

  • Toboggan Trainer Workshop - used to re-cert Instructors only.
  • Toboggan Refresher - used for On-the-Hill Refreshers (2 course are needed one for the OTH instructor refresher and one for the others members OTH refresher. This is the same process as a OEC refresher)
  • Toboggan Enhancement Seminar - To work on Toboggan skills and will also be used to re-cert instructors when needed.
  • Instructor Continuing Education Clinic - OET
  • Introduction to Patrolling - New patroller Toboggan and intro course

What to do after opening a NSP Course?

  1. Please reach out to the NSPWR webmaster to have the course info added to the Region calendar.

Description: This TTW (Toboggan Transportation Workshop) is being held to re-cert any Toboggan Instructors that are expiring during the 2016/2017 session. Please be sure to bring your instructor logs with you.
NSP Course number: XXXXX (send a link to NSP course to help members sign up.)
Where: Buck Hill - Burnsville, MN
When: Dec 8th, 2016
Start Time: 7:00PM
Cost: $0.00
List of Instructors: Jim McLeod, Tom Toboggan, etc

  1. Teach at the course
  2. Close the course
    1. When a course is closed the IT that was identified at the time the course was registered will receive an email to approve the course. Work with the IT to make sure all members/students get credit.

Evaluation forms examples:

Instructor Resources

OET-IT Listing

Contact: OET Advisor Email

Office/AreaNameContact InfoNotes
OET-IT Bob Moe
C154 Christie Mountain
Christie Mountain
OET-IT Ron Sluka
C046 Giants Ridge Golf & Ski Resort
Giants Ridge Ski Area
OET-IT John Thomas
Welch Village Ski and Snowboard Area
OET-IT Tim Thomas
Welch Village Ski and Snowboard Area
OET-IT Tony Weber
Mount Kato Ski Area
OET-IT Steve Willwerscheid
Afton Alps Ski Area
OET-IT Joe Gravelle
C066 Lutsen Mountains
Lutsen Mountains
OET-IT Tim Elness
C066 Lutsen Mountains
OET-IT Todd Gieseke
C296 Andes Tower Hills
OET-IT Dan Richardson
IT Candidate
OET-IT Dave Bolstad
Spirit Mountain