Welcome to our website! We are the Western Region within Central Division of the National Ski Patrol. The Western
Region is comprised of 22 ski areas within the Midwest. Take a look around and if you have any questions, please
feel free to contact us!
Latest News!
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—**NEW**Western Region Women's Clinics - Registration Open!
The 2024-2025 Western Region Women's Clinics are now open for registration.
There will be two events this season with one held at Powder Ridge on Feb. 1 2025 and the other one on Feb 2 2025 at Mount Kato.
View complete information for Powder Ridge HERE
and Mount Kato HERE.
You can register for the events by clicking here for Powder Ridge
and here for Mount Kato
or navigating to the Events listings.
—Spirit Mountain Ski Patrol Reunion
Spirit Mountain recently held a NSP patroller reunion.
View the video here
— Ski Safety U.S.
If you attended MSAA last month, you may have heard that www.SkiSafety.us is live! NSAA created Ski Safety U.S. to provide members a safety resource to share with your staff and guests. It covers everything from lift safety to Your Responsibility Code and is useful to every participant, from first timers to experts.
Check if out HERE!
— Detroit Mountain Ski Patrol literally embraces a family atmosphere
An recently listed audio slideshow presentation talking about the Western Region Senior and Certified programs is up
on our YouTube channel. You can watch and listen, as presented by our Region Director and Senior/Certified Program
Advisors, by clicking this LINK.
The slides themselves, without audio, can be viewed in our Documents library under our Region Program Documents - Senior folder
— Ever wonder how the Western Region is setup!
Here is a PowerPoint presentation, created by our Jeannine Mogan, that explains how the Western Region is set up and how we fit into the division and NSP.
— Ski Patrol Conference
Here's a regional article written on the Detroit Mountain ski and bike patrol making sure they're prepared for emergencies!
Click HERE
— New YAP Program Page Up!
New content from our Region YAP Advisor, Brad Peterson, including some new videos. Check it out
HERE (Members -> Programs -> YAP)
— Congratulations!
A couple of photos to share! Click on the thumbnails for the full image.
New 2021-2022 Spirit Mtn YAPS 2021-2022 OEC Grads
— Our Hills Need Your Help!
Patrols in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula are looking for help this season! We’ve heard from several remote ski areas that they are
actively seeking help from those of us willing to travel and patrol for them. In particular, Whitecap Mountain and Big
have reached out to the Central Division for support. If your area is in need and willing to take guest patrollers, please
the Central Division Webmaster Daren Lukes to add your area to the list that will be posted on the Central Division website.
If you are interested in traveling , check the Central Division website periodically for a list of patrols. If more requests come
they will be listed on this site. You can reach out to and make a plan to patrol with them.
Please contact their Patrol Directors and make a plan to work with them! This is a great opportunity to support our destination
hills, help the NSP remain in good standing with our area Managers, patrol a new area, ski some new terrain and meet new
— YAP Article in local newspaper
Wild Mountain and the YAP program appearing in a regional newspaper. Read the arcticle
See the Latest Updates section on our Senior Programs web page HERE
for information on this year's Remote Training opportunities.
— Patrol Recruitment Posters
Ken Rose, a 50+ year NSP veteran from NSP Central-Ohio and a current Alumni, has created a series of 21 posters for NSP
Ken is allowing our Western Region
patrols to use his posters as templates for creating your own patrol recruitment posters. The art is in an editable Powerpoint
document that you can modify to suit your patrol. To get the Powerpoint file, please contact Jeff Olsen, Western Region Director
at this Email
So you're interested in the National Ski Patrol and want to join a dynamic group of
professionals? To read more, click the image to the left and ... Thanks for your interest!
Region Recruitment
Mont Du Lac -- We are looking to grow our volunteer patrol with people who enjoy helping others and are at least
level skiers/boarders. If you have any interest, inquire today by emailing skipatrol@mdlresort.com